The Dover Church is excited to announce a new youth program called Wonder Wednesdays – an after school program for elementary students on Chickering & Pine Hill half days. Wonder Wednesdays, which will run from 11:45 to 2:15, will be a fun faith formation experience focused on the goodness of creation, the call to serve our neighbors, and the never ending love God has for each of us. Each day we’ll share lunch and snack, explore Bible stories, make music, play games, get crafty and creative, and run around outside.
Our Fall Semester, themed “Gathering at God’s Table” meets 9/18, 10/16, 10/23, and 11/6 and will get us into the kitchen, learning about and experimenting with food that was eaten in biblical times. Our Spring Semester, themed “God’s Good Creation” will meet 1/8, 2/5, 3/5, 3/12, 4/2, and 5/7, will give us a chance to get outside, hone our green thumbs, and celebrate the wonder of the natural world.
The program is open to all students in K-5. Students must register for each semester in its entirety as lessons will build on each other. The fee for the program is $30 per session (so $120 for the Fall and $180 for Spring) to cover the costs of materials and food, scholarship assistance is available for any family who needs it.
Please register for Wonder Wednesdays below! Registration is open for the Spring 2025 Semester. Space is limited. Online registration has closed for the Fall 2024 Semester. If you are still hoping to enroll your child, please contact Kayla or Martha.
Contact Kayla ([email protected]) or Martha ([email protected]) with any questions.